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WebFlux and Swagger Integration Try some samples > git clone https://github.com/pgilad/spring-boot-webflux-swagger-starter Go to that Project and Compile > gradle clean build List the Version > jenv versions   system * 1.8 (set by /usr/local/opt/jenv/version)   10.0   10.0.2   ...
WebFlux and Reactive(1)Performance Basic Compare Unit test and Compare https://blog.51cto.com/liukang/2090202 Create non-blocking https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42299455/spring-webflux-and-reading-from-database Wrap a blocking call https://projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/reference/#faq.wra ...
ElasticSearch(7)filebeat How to sync the date and time on ubuntu 18.04 https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-sync-time-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux > sudo timedatectl set-ntp off > timedatectl                       Local time: Fri 2019-05-24 10:38:53 CDT                   Universal time: Fri ...
Running Zeppelin with Nginx Authentication Limit the Zeppelin only allowed localhost visit. The only thing need to pay attention to is that zeppelin is using web socket, we need use nginx to proxy that as well.     upstream zeppelin {        server localhost:8080;     }     server {         liste ...
Running Zeppelin with Nginx Authentication Limit the Zeppelin only allowed localhost visit. The only thing need to pay attention to is that zeppelin is using web socket, we need use nginx to proxy that as well.     upstream zeppelin {        server localhost:8080;     }     server {         liste ...
ElasticSearch(6)Kibana Authentication First of all, disable the connection to Kibana directly. > vi config/kibana.yml server.host: "localhost" Nginx Installation > wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.16.0.tar.gz > tar zxvf nginx-1.16.0.tar.gz Unzip the source code, install th ...
ElasticSearch(5)Logstash Install Logstash Find the binary file here https://www.elastic.co/downloads/logstash Download the version 7.0.1 to match elasticsearch and Kibana > wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/logstash/logstash-7.0.1.tar.gz Starting guide https://www.elastic.co/guide/en ...
Jenkins Backup and Restore from Docker to Host Try to find the jenkins home directory from docker service /home/ubuntu/work/sillycat-docker/centos7/centos7-jenkins-jdk10 Copy the home directory > sudo cp -r jenkins_home ~/data/ Change the permission > sudo chmod -R 777 jenkins_home On the ...
ElasticSearch(4)Manually Elasticsearch Cluster Follow previous link, start Kibana on ubuntu-master as well. >bin/elasticsearch -Ecluster.name=laprocluster -Enode.name=elastic1 > bin/kibana Open Kibana page and go to DEV tool http://ubuntu-master:5601/app/kibana#/dev_tools/console?_g=()v In t ...
ElasticSearch(3)Version Upgrade and Cluster Haha, the first version I start with Elastic Search is 1.4.0. Last time, I install the softwares are version 6.2.4. Right now, it is 7.0.1. Haha. Let’s try the latest on my systems. First of All, on MAC https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearc ...
DynamoDB and Query/Scan Limit Recently, I found one issue in my Project for DynamoDB. I do query by index and some filters. But even I put SELECT: “COUNT” DynamoDB will only return me parts of the whole records. It is said the limit is 4M. Even the count is part of the whole results. I need to d ...
Auth Solution(3)JWT in Java and PHP Sample Here is my Example in JAVA which can generate the RSA 512 private key and public key. In side the java example, we can use the private key to sign our content, time and etc to generate a token. https://github.com/luohuazju/sillycat-authcenter RSACoder cl ...
Auth Solution(2)JWT Encode and Decode Spring Boot 2.0 and OAUTH https://github.com/longfeizheng/springboot2.0-oauth2 JWT Repo https://github.com/chenlein/springboot-oauth JWT Blog https://www.codetd.com/article/2404205 https://blog.csdn.net/chenleiking/article/details/80890858 Another example htt ...
Jetty Server and Cookie Domain Name Recently, we found that our JAVA application is write a JSESSIONID in the cookie for our domain. The page we have is manage.sillycat.com, so the JESSIONID is writing to the manage.sillycat.com as well. But for some other projects, SSO/UI we need that domain name ...
EC2 Windows Machine Extend Disk Space Follow the previous document to extend the Volume in AWS. But in Ubuntu, we just restart the machine, then we can see all the disk space. But in windows, we need do something more. In the windows command line window, open this tool - “diskmgmt.msc" Choose ...
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